Life Musings #1


Difference is Key

It seems to be obvious but it can elude us even up until mid life crisis stage (then true colours come through) the point is if it is good then why do we spend our whole lives copying those around us trying to be like sheep in a flock? Beats me, I don’t have all the answers but what I do know is at the very old age of 21 I am on a quest to find out who I am testing the boundaries of what is me and what’s societal construct (family included). I will be moving out soon and one of the main things on my mind is “How will I survive alone?” it’s interesting because we do need social contact (some more than others) to survive it’s no exaggeration not just because we will go mad but we need it to thrive.

Loneliness- “Fei’s Dictionary Definition” A quantifiable, measurable and emotional sense that can somewhat be irrational in origin resulting in the individual gaining distance between those that surround creating an island.

Self Identifying – Labels

There are those who seem to think terminology to describe different facets of ones self is damaging and indeed boxing people into a small corner where they can be defined is limited if not warped view of the individual. But labels are something else despite the negative connotations they tell us on a basic level what something is and this primes us for how we interact. I have found self identifying labels to be a positive thing it’s not being part of an elite club or having a badge it’s being part of a group that have something in common, three will never be enough self identifying labels to fit everyone but that is why we create more.

I am not saying that loneliness can be cured by self identifying but it helps to feel a common connection with others, it can be a crippling state of mind that I try to reason with and talk to at time an annoying acquaintance that outstays welcome (in which case sometimes it needs reminding that you have others who are friends and more important).

Nobody is an Island so let’s build some bridges!